Donnerstag, 23. Juli 2009

horses in the middel of the town
sonnen blumen für meine patin maria fotografiert, als ich das foto genommen habe dachte ich mir wie lange es wohl dauern wuerde bis du es bekommst, naja diesmal gings mit dem internt dann ja mal schnell, liebe grüße
trabbi with the american flagg, east meets west
sozialer wohnungsbau in bratislava

moving..., my couchsurfing host julia, and madeleine(happy to saw her again)
famous sacher torte, served by typically unfriendly viennese waiters
this beauty wanted to steal my watermelon
a beautiful exibition about action artists in the 60ies
new shoes... directly got blisters
over night train to vienna

Freitag, 3. Juli 2009

today i found out that i have a lot less time than i thought i woud have. i don't think i can reach jordan in that of the reasons is, that my language course in porto start first of september, so i have to go to porto earlier. and i still don't know how i'll manage to get the visum for syria on time. I'll call the embassy in vienna on monday and hope that they can and are willing to give me the visa in one day. please please please. well, so still a lot to figure out.

Donnerstag, 2. Juli 2009

on the road again

after stefanie brought me home, thanks again there, i started what i dreamt month about, backing a cake

bye-bye antwerpen

and a last view out of my room... good bye

the morning on which i left, travelling luggage, which partly will stay in germany

chestnuts i found while cleaning up my room, a goodby to thomas and jon who get to know me like this

almoste like lisbon

one of those perfect moments, when just everything seem to be in balance

all i own, ok it's a bit more, but still... every thing in boxes and spread among my friends

now i'm vagabond again

my favorite spot in the city

dinner with marion and laurence, and "the neighbours" jon and thomas

vrijdags markt

no more hunting for garbage

women beer

the master exhibition of the royal academy in antwerp

Kanako from free garphics

an amazing installation of pepa